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Point Cloud

Our rapid scanning is accurate enough to generate point clouds or polygons for as-builts, and complete, informative construction documentation. 


3D Dimensiva´s camera is a great way to capture a space for interactive walk throughs, but what if you want to use the 3D model with CAD software. 3D Dimensiva provides a downloadable 3D object file (.obj) for this purpose, but the issue is that it does not integrate well with many of the popular CAD softwares from Autodesk, Vectorworks, Bentley and others.


Importing the original .obj file into many of these packages results in the loss of photographic detail because they are not able to handle the photographic textures associated with the model. One way to address this issue is to export the .obj file into a photographic point cloud (.pts) format which can then be imported into CAD software easily and without any loss of detail. 


A point cloud is a set of data points in a coordinate system. In a three-dimensional coordinate system, these points are usually defined by X, Y, and Z coordinates, and often are intended to represent the external surface of an object.


Point clouds may be created by  3D Dimensiva´s  scanners. These devices measure a large number of points on an object's surface, and often output a point cloud as a data file. The point cloud represents the set of points that the device has measured.


The fact the scan data has color which shows the carpeting, pattern on the walls, etc is just a bonus. Plus you can walk through the model using my typical Navisworks tools (and take measurements using those tools) and it's just like being in the space.

*Under normal operating conditions. De-calibration, abnormal temperatures and other factors may result in reduced accuracy.

Point Cloud (.PTS) FILE

The scanner 3D Dimensiva use is not a scanner in a traditional sense. It appears it was originally created for the Real Estate industry for interactive 360 degree walk throughs. All the data we get from the scanner can now be convert to a point cloud


Point Cloud (.OBJ) FILE

Our rapid scanning is accurate enough to generate point clouds or polygons for as-builts, and complete, informative construction documentation.


The output of 3D scanning processes, point clouds are used for many purposes, including to create 3D Computer-aided design (CAD) / Building information modelling (BIM)


Providing 3D Showcase and drone mapping for digital agriculture
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